New Old Things

New Old Things

Some things in life are worth paying for right? Well… I’m still a freegan.

Deforestation, Soil Erosion, and How You Can Help

Deforestation, Soil Erosion, and How You Can Help

A look at how deforestation and soil erosion affected past societies, current societies and solutions for the future

I’m Deleting My Social Media and You Should Too

I’m Deleting My Social Media and You Should Too

Imagine a world where you pull up the same Wikipedia page as your friend, but instead of viewing the exact same page, they view a page written with a slightly different filter, and their friend views it with another slightly different filter, and so on. 

The One-Straw Revolution: A Must-Read

The One-Straw Revolution: A Must-Read

One-Straw is not a manual for how to farm most efficiently. It is quite the opposite. It is a guide for how to live. It frames global problems of overdevelopment, poor health, pollution,

If you don’t like large corporations, don’t buy S#!+

If you don’t like large corporations, don’t buy S#!+

Tech companies like Apple, Samsung, or Microsoft? Stop rushing for the newest phone model. If you don’t want large corporations to exist, stop buying things.

Life in the time of COVID-19: Consumerism, Veganism, and Living Proactively

Life in the time of COVID-19: Consumerism, Veganism, and Living Proactively

Not enough time has been given to discussing why this happened. Emblematic of society, we immediately turned our attention to a vaccine, the economy, what life would look like, and when this will be over. We didn’t prepare or try to prevent this and are now left wasting tons of money and effort treating the symptoms.

Progress Over Perfection: Just Start

Progress Over Perfection: Just Start

Sometimes it feels like the scale of our problems are insurmountable. They key is to start (small) and make progress.

I’m Freegan Because I’m Selfish

I’m Freegan Because I’m Selfish

I’m freegan because I’m selfish. It’s the same reason I do anything else. If there’s nothing in it for me, I ain’t doing it.

Getting More of What You Want Out of Life

Getting More of What You Want Out of Life

Freeganism isn’t about living with less. It’s about living with more of what you want.

How Much Money Can You Save as a Freegan?

How Much Money Can You Save as a Freegan?

Not buying things is a great way to save money. It’s probably the best way actually. Yeah it’s definitely the best. Gone.

The Number One Thing You Can Do to Reduce Food Waste

The Number One Thing You Can Do to Reduce Food Waste

It may seem simple, but keeping an inventory of the food you have is the easiest way to reduce food waste.

How Many Animals Can You Save By Eating Freegan?

How Many Animals Can You Save By Eating Freegan?

Eating food that would otherwise be going to waste eliminates the demand to kill animals for meat. Just how many animals is that?

The Environmental Impact of Eating Freegan for a Year

The Environmental Impact of Eating Freegan for a Year

What is the environmental impact you can have by eating completely freegan for a year?

Fasting: The New Freeganism?

Fasting: The New Freeganism?

My experience fasting and why fasting could be considered a form of freeganism.

Appreci-EAT What You Have

Appreci-EAT What You Have

By prioritizing eating the food you already have and not what you want to eat, you will prevent food waste, save money, and develop a deep sense of appreciation.